Sunday, April 26, 2015

This week we began our dinosaur unit!  The kids were excited to dive into the sensory table taking on the role as paleontologists. Also, we explored a variety of dinosaur stories and stretched our minds learning new dino facts!

Morning Meeting
We read a variety of non-fiction and fiction texts about dinosaurs.  We focused on the T-Rex and described the characteristics of this dinosaur compared to other animals.  We talked about what dinosaurs eat and their daily life.  Also, we saw a few videos from the program BrainPopJr.  The kids are always captivated by these videos because the narrator is a robot and takes them back in time when dinosaurs roamed the earth! 
In Language Arts I read a dinosaur poem and the kids found letters and sight words. Next, they drew a dinosaur of their own to create a story. In math the kids used a variety of foam shapes to build their own dinosaur. They were so imaginative about what their dinosaur looked like and even created their own name. They presented their pictures to the class during circle time. The pictures are displayed on the bulletin board inside the classroom. In the fine motor center the kids used scissors to cut out 10 strips of a puzzle. There were numbers and pictures on the puzzle to guide them in putting it together. They did this independently! 

Small groups
In reading groups the kids read an emergent reader about fossils.  They circled letters and sight words.  Also, they played a game called ‘Roar’ to help identify letter sounds.  In journals this week, the kids drew a picture of a dinosaur in their habitat. I am stretching many of them to label their drawings with words. In the independent center the kiddos played with the big blocks and dinosaurs and explored the sensory table.

Reading Buddies
We always love catching up with our sixth grade friends!

Next week we will continue our dinosaur unit!

Sunday, April 19, 2015

What another great week in PK! This week we focused on clouds and weather. Here is a look at the week:

Morning meeting
This week I read the story, The Little Cloud by Eric Carle. In the story Little Cloud turns into different animals and shapes in the sky. The kids enjoyed brainstorming imaginative creatures and animals they would become. This story was also the basis for the language arts center where the kids created their own little cloud picture with cotton balls! Also, we learned why clouds are important and focused on the three main types: stratus, cumulus, and cirrus.  The kiddos had fun pointing out the different clouds at recess! I was impressed with how quick they were to apply this new knowledge. 

In language arts the kids made cloud pictures with cotton balls based on the story Little Cloud.  Next, they stretched out the word and wrote the sounds they heard.  These pictures are up in the classroom to view! In math we played a fun game of number bingo.  In the fine motor group the kids made raindrops and tore paper to make a collage.  This activity is great for their little muscles. 

Small groups
In reading groups the kids played a game with sight word monsters.  Also, we worked on blending and reading the bob books. In art, the kiddos used shaving cream to make a cumulus, stratus and cirrus clouds. They had fun getting their hands messy! The independent center was IPADs. 

Sunday, April 12, 2015

It was great to see the kiddos after the long break! They were excited to see their friends and jump back into our weekly routine.  

Morning Meeting
We read and watched the video The Tiny Seed by Eric Carle. This story was a great introduction to Spring. We discussed the lifecycle of a flower and practiced labeling the parts and learning the functions through a variety of activities.  Also, we observed how Eric Carle created art using a variety of mediums, textures, and colors. The kiddos worked hard all week using different art techniques (sponges, watercolor, paint) to create a flower picture. These pictures are displayed on the outside bulletin board.

In language arts the kids worded on their rhyming skills through a game where they matched pictures. In math we practiced counting and number recognition. The kids used a spinner and had to put the corresponding number of petals on the flower. Next, we practiced simple addition and subtraction for more of a challenge. In the fine motor center the kids ripped paper to create a flower collage.  We also practiced using scissors to cut on a variety of lines.  

Small groups
In reading groups the children practiced how to make word words putting together sounds they heard. Also, I would say a word and they would have to segment the individual sounds they heard. This is a great phonemic awareness activity for all levels.  We continued to progress through the Bob series and went on a letter/sight word hunt. In art they continued to work on their Eric Carle flower pictures. ‘What is Spring’ was the journal prompt. We discussed what we see, hear, smell, and touch and I had them focus on one of those senses to draw and dictate. The independent center was Kool Aid play dough!

They were happy to see their reading buddies this week!  Here are a few pictures:

Also, we celebrated Zoha’s 4th birthday with cupcakes and lemonade!!