Monday, May 25, 2015

Our last full week of school was filled with new learning about Space! The kids used their imaginations to become astronauts blasting off to Space in the dramatic play area during free choice.  It is exciting to see their entertaining, creative personalities shine. 

Here is a look at our week:

Morning Meeting
We explored Space and focused on the Moon and planets through picture books and videos on BrainpopJr. Also, the Magic School Bus has a great episode about the students traveling to space and exploring the moon rocks and Saturn. 

In language arts we switched gears to finish our caterpillar journals. It was exciting to see all of the chrysalis hatch to butterflies in the classroom! I know the kids enjoyed coming in each day to see if there were more butterflies.  In the journals, the children observed the butterflies and drew a picture based of these observations.  Some students were challenged to write a word or sentence to match the picture. In math the kids had a board with numbers on different rocket ships.  They read the number and counted unifix cubes to build a ‘rocket ship’.  In the fine motor center, the children made planets out of play dough.  The independent center was IPads.  

Small groups
In reading groups the kids used shaving cream to write their names, letters, and spell new popcorn words.  In art they created their own planets with finger paint.  They did a nice job describing their picture and came up with creative stories. In journals the prompt was, ‘If I went to Space I would bring..’ 

Reading Buddies

Upcoming events

PK breakfast -Friday, May 29th from 8:30 to 9:30
Please RSVP to let me know if you will be there! I hope to see many of you.

Lower School Picnic at Sunset Park on Tuesday, June 2nd.

We will leave Roycemore at 9:30 and will return at 2PM.  EDP will still be available to kids who are signed up.  

Monday, May 11, 2015

We had a great start to our caterpillar/butterfly unit! Here is a look at the week:

Morning meeting

Simon was Star of the Week and excited to share his picture collage.  The kiddos liked his lizard and picture of his baby sister!

To begin our discussion on the butterfly lifecycle, I brought out my models of each step.  The kids took turns teaching their friends about the different stages in front of the class.  We also used our bodies to act out the life cycle.  The favorite part of the week was observing our caterpillars.  We watched them grow this week and are going to be predicting and observing what will happen next.  In journals this week, we are drawing pictures and recording our observations.

In language arts, the kids observed the caterpillars and added illustrations into their journals.  We discussed that the caterpillars will start to move to the top of the container and will hang in a J shape to prepare themselves for the chrysalis stage.  The kids have pointed out all week, “Ms. Strain, the caterpillar looks like a hook, it must be getting ready to change!” In math we did a ladybug shake and spill.  There were 2 colored cubes in a brown bag and the kids had to pick out 5 total cubes, separate the colors, and say/write the addition fact.  The fine motor center was based off the book, The Very Hungry Caterpillar by Eric Carle.  The kids fed the caterpillar by string the food on to a long string.

Small groups
In art we created our own 'feet' butterflies this week. The kids loved painting with their feet as opposed to our hands, and thought it was hilarious how much the paint tickled their toes!

The kids brought home Flutter this week and shared their pictures to the class. 

For Stella's birthday celebration, her big brother Matty came in to read a story to the class.  

Next week
We will continue to observe our caterpillars and watch them turn into chrysalis and eventually butterflies!

Sunday, May 3, 2015

We finished our dinosaur unit this week and here is a look at the activities!

Morning meeting
We explored a variety of activities including a dinosaur picture sort.  As a whole group, each child was given a picture and had to say the beginning sound. If it started with a D it went in the dinosaur and if not, they had to write the beginning letter. They enjoyed doing this as a class and worked hard at not giving away the answer too soon! Also, we read pictures books and learned new facts!   
In language arts the children worked on their paleontologists books.  They drew a picture of themselves digging up bones and using tools. We focused on details and labeling the picture. Also, some of the kiddos used the popcorn words, ‘I’ and ‘see’ to write a sentence.  We practiced stretching out the new words to hear all of the sounds and then writing what they heard. They did great and it is so exciting to see them progress! In math the children matched numbers on the dinosaurs with the corresponding number on close pins. Next, they counted that number with manipulatives. In the fine motor center the kiddos practiced their scissor skills cutting on straight lines to make a puzzle.  They also had to put the numbers in sequential order to complete the picture. I encouraged them to take the puzzles home and play with you!

Small groups
In reading groups we did an activity called say it-build it, working on sight words and phonemic awareness. In art, we made our paleontologists hats and shirts! In journals, the prompt was, ‘If I was a dinosaur I would..’ The independent center was the sensory table with sand and dinosaur toys.

Next week
We will begin our Caterpillars and Butterfly unit! Also, Simon will be the Star of the Week, and I know the kids and I are looking forward to his picture collage.

Spring activity backpacks will be going home with a journal activity and stuffed animal! Keep a look out in your child’s cubby. I will let you know your day when I see you, or send you an email.

Please RSVP for the Starry Night Auction this Saturday. I hope to see you all there!