Morning Meeting
We read and watched the video, The Tiny Seed by Eric
Carle. This story was a great introduction to Spring and plants. We discussed
the life cycle of a flower and practiced labeling the parts and learning the
functions through a variety of activities.
Also, we observed how Eric Carle created art using a variety of mediums,
textures, and colors. The kiddos worked
hard all week using different art techniques (sponges, watercolor, paint) to
create a flower picture.
In language arts the kids worded on their rhyming
skills through a game where they matched pictures.
Also, we learned about how a plant grows and the
different parts. The kiddos really
enjoyed putting their flower pictures together!
Math- We practiced counting and number recognition.
The kids used a spinner and had to put the corresponding number of petals on
the flower. Next, we practiced simple addition and subtraction for more of a
In the fine
motor center the children made a flower collage.
Art- The kiddos are fascinated by different bugs
and insects. They got to create their
own bug using a variety of shapes and colors.
Their pictures were so creative and turned out great! Take a look on the
outside bulletin board to see their creations.
The children were happy to see their reading
buddies this week! The weather was beautiful :) We took
full advantage of the warmth and shared stories outside. Here are a few