What a fabulous week in Pre-K! The Halloween centers
and Carnival ran so smoothly and the children were engaged in a variety of
games, art activities, and even a moon bounce! It was exciting to see how independent they were and willing to try new activities. Thank you to the parents who volunteered in
the classroom and for bringing in a creative costume for your child. I
appreciate all your hard work. The children loved dressing up and sharing what
they were with friends. Many laughs and
good times were shared this week.
PK Halloween Party
SPOoky Science with
the Upper School Students
This week we began our spiders unit. Here is a look at the week:
Language Arts- The children played a game where they used
their fly swatters to squish the spider based on the letter called and shown to
Art- The children created spider webs using glitter and
crafted their own spider out of construction paper.
Math- Spiders counting book. The children had to recognize the number and create that many spiders on
their web. We also learned the popcorn
words, ‘I’ and ‘see’. These stories are
great to read at home and reinforce their learning.
Fine motor- Beading and play dough with our Halloween scene
Reminders/Next Week
CONFERENCES- November 1-4.
Please sign up for a 30 minute session using the link sent in the email.
Grandparents Day- November 22