Sunday, November 23, 2014

We had a great week practicing for Grandparent’s Day! The kids are excited to share their songs in the performance for their special guests on Tuesday! Also, this week we have explored Thanksgiving and the importance of being thankful.
Here is a look at the week:

Morning Meeting
We read a variety of Thanksgiving stories including; Little Bear’s Thanksgiving, It’s Thanksgiving and Thanksgiving Feast. In these stories we discussed themes, characters and traditions at home.  We also read a nonfiction text with the story of how and why Thanksgiving came about. William was the Star of the Week and was excited to share his poster!
In language arts we read a Thanksgiving book and searched for letters and the popcorn word, “is.” Also, we matched letters to the turkey feathers in a puzzle. In the fine motor center we made pumpkin pie play dough as a class. We followed the recipe of combining pumpkin puree, cornstarch and cinnamon spice and mixing it together to make play dough. The kids had fun playing with this dough using cookie cutters to make holiday cookies and pies. 

Small Groups
In one group this week we brainstormed all the food we eat for a Thanksgiving feast. The kids cut out pictures of food from a grocery store catalog and glued these on paper plates to make their feasts.  For journals this week the children made a class book. They answered the question, “What are you thankful for?” and drew a picture to correspond with the prompt.  This class book is displayed outside of the classroom for you to read. They did a nice job brainstorming different things they were thankful for. 

Next Week

We will begin our gingerbread theme throughout December with many fun activities planned. There will not be a blog update next week due to a short week and Grandparent’s Day. I hope you have a happy and safe break. I will see you all back at school on Monday, November 24. 

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