Sunday, March 8, 2015

Fun with Piggie and Gerald!

We began the author study of Mo Willems and read a variety of Piggie and Elephant books. The children really enjoyed these stories and completed numerous activities to dive deeper and expand their learning. 

Here is a look at the week:

In language arts we read the story, Knufflebunny and analyzed the pictures comparing the real life backgrounds to the cartoon characters, Trixie and Knufflebunny. The kids used the iPads to take pictures around the school. This picture will be used in their background to tell a story. They loved exploring the school! In math they created a picture using Gerald as the base and counted pigeons to put on his head. This activity was based on the story, There is a Bird on My Head? In the fine motor center the children played a memory matching game with characters and events from the Mo Willems stories. 

Small groups
In reading groups they continued with a variety of activities working on phonemic awareness, blending and continuing with the Bob reading series. In art the kiddos reinforced their cutting skills and followed simple directions. They made pigeons by cutting out the bodies and heads and gluing on the feet and eyes. This was a tricky task and most were determined to finish! In journals the prompt was, “Who is your favorite character from the Piggie and Elephant series?” In the independent group the children played with big blocks and play dough.

Next week
On Friday, March 13th, we are traveling to the Apollo Theater to see the Piggie and Elephant play! The flyer for the play is posted outside of the door with all of the specific details. Looking forward to another great trip!

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