Sunday, October 18, 2015

The PK children had a fantastic week jumping into the Pumpkin Unit. 

Here is a look at the week!            

At morning meeting we introduced the Star of the Week, Etta!  She was excited to share her all about me poster with her classmates and had a story behind every picture.  The kiddos then took turns asking questions about her favorite things. We will be continuing with Star of the Week so each child has a chance to be celebrated.

Also, we welcomed a new friend to the class! The children were great at making Ella feel welcomed and invited her to play. 


Reading- In one groups the children matched letters on the close pin to the pumpkins and leaves. 

We read book #2 in the Bob series.  They learned the sight word ‘on’ . We will continue working on blending as a skill. 

Fishing for leaves- Children said the letter and sound.  Many of the kiddos refereed back to their zoo phonics friends they knew! Glad to see they are making connections.    

Math- Counting games with pumpkin manipulatives. 

Art- The children mixed shaving cream, orange paint, and glue to make a gooey mixture to create a pumpkin.  Next, they cut shapes out of construction paper to make a Jack-O-Lantern face!  These were fun to make and the kids enjoyed getting their hands messy. 

Also, they painted mini pumpkins and added eyes and a silly face.  The pumpkins are displayed on the cubbies.

Journal- The prompt was, ‘Pumpkins are..’ There were quite a variety of answers to this. 

Fine motor- The kiddos rolled play dough on fall play dough mats to make different shapes.  They added leaves to the trees, made faces for the Jack-O-lanterns, and faces for different scarecrows. 

Music-Used ribbons to keep the beat of the music and dance along to the songs!

Reminders for upcoming events J

Fall Party- Friday, October 30th
Please make sure to sign up for a food item to bring in

Reading buddies on Monday!

Book fair orders and Scholastic book forms

Next week’s theme- Lifecycle of a pumpkin

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