Sunday, January 10, 2016

Winter Fun!

What a fantastic first week back to school after Winter Break.  The children were so excited to see their friends and it was a smooth transition getting back into the routine of school. 

The theme for this week centered on the story, The Mitten by Jan Brett.  During morning meeting we discussed what characters were in the story and what events happened at the beginning and the end. At the end of the week when we were more familiar with the story the children retold the story using animals they made. 

Fun in the snow!


L.A.- The children completed a letter sort activity with pictures and had to recognize the beginning sound of the word. 

Math- This hands on activity focused on one to one correspondence when counting.  The children each got a snowman and took turns choosing a different hat to dress their snowman. Each hat had a number on top. Next, they had to correctly count the number of buttons to match the number on the hat.  It was fun to see some of the children want to challenge themselves by picking a larger number and seeing if they could count that many buttons! 

Art- The  kiddos made snowman and on each snowball they practiced writing letters in their name. The children were making comparisons to the size of others snowman and seeing how many letters they had in their name.

Fine motor- The children made snowflakes using a collage of colors for tissue paper and placing these pieces on their snowflake.

Journal- The prompt, ‘What is your favorite thing to do in the snow?’ spurred the kiddos ideas about fun winter activities.  Some of their responses were, “Throw snowballs with my dad! We get a a bunch of snow and then we throw it! SPLAT! It is fun to play in the snow!”  It is exciting to see what creative stories they share. 

Independent- Matching memory game with winter clothing

Next week

We will be continuing the theme of winter and be doing a few science experiments as well!  J

Please remember to have snow pants and boots at school each day!

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