Sunday, September 25, 2016

Chicka Chicka Boom Boom!

This week we dove into our Chicka Chicka Boom Boom unit based on the book by Bill Martin Jr. and John Archambault.  The children enjoyed listening to the story and retelling it on their own.  Here is a look at the corresponding activities for the week!


Art- The children were busy constructing coconut trees.  They worked on their fine motor skills using scissors and cutting the leaves for the tree. 

Language Arts- The kiddos went on a letter hunt in the sensory bin. They had to find the letters on their matching board.  Also, they focused on finding the letters in their name!

Math- Chicka boom trees matching the numbers.

Fine Motor- String coconuts (beads) on the coconut tree! 

Spanish- Color Bingo  

Self –portraits-  Every month, the children will complete a self-portrait. They will first identify their skin color and then paint clothes and the correct color of their features. This activity allows them to notice the similarities and differences in one another.  It is exciting to see the progression over the year! 

We celebrated Kai’s birthday with a fruit salad and Kai’s mom got to visit the classroom and read the story, A Bad Bubble by Adam Rubin.   
Gross Motor Room


Sunday, September 18, 2016

All About Me!

We had a great first full week continuing our All About Me Unit!  The Pre-K kiddos are excited to see their friends each morning and check the schedule to see the variety of activities and events we will explore that day!

Here is a look at the week:

Fun on the playground!

Free choice- 

Language Arts: The children finished their A My Name Is.. pictures by matching the beginning sound of their name with a corresponding picture.  They were excited to see their art work displayed inside the classroom.  We finished assessing this week and will begin 'reading groups' next week, focusing on early literacy skills such as letter identification and phonemic awareness.  

Math- The children played a game by rolling a dice and feeding the monster the correct number of cookies based on the number.  They practiced counting using one to one correspondence.

Art- The children had fun making rainbow names!

The children practiced writing letters and pictures in shaving cream.  Some of the children were hesitant at first but then jumped in quickly to get their hands messy. SO much fun :)

Journals- First journal page was, ‘Tell me about your family.’


Music- The children learned what instruments are and how they work.  The kiddos were all smiles when they got to shake and play on their own.

                                                                                       Next week

We will be diving into our Chicka, Chicka, Boom Boom Unit based off of the popular book by Lois Ehlert.