Sunday, October 26, 2014

Creepy Crawly Spiders!

It was great seeing so many families at Pumpkin Carving Night! Thank you for coming and all your support.  It was a nice turn out and the kiddos really enjoyed themselves.

We had a great first week learning all about spiders! Here is a look at the week:

Morning Meeting
The kiddos listened to a variety of spider stories including both fiction and non-fiction. We made a class chart together brainstorming words to describe spiders. Spiders can, are and have were the sentence starters we used. Also, the children did a nice job making their own spiders following step-by-step directions.  These spider glyphs are displayed on the bulletin board outside the classroom, take a look!  We also watched a clip from the movie, Charlotte’s Web. James was the Star of the Week. He did a fabulous job sharing his pictures and answering questions from his classmates. His baby brother, Sam was the topic of discussion.


In the language arts center, they completed the sentence “Spiders like to..” We brainstormed many words together first. Next, we painted a spider using our handprints.  In math, we counted using 10 frames, a spinner, and chips.  The game was completed when the first person covered their board. The kids had a lot of fun with this game. In the fine motor center, we practiced stringing beads and made pictures with dot paint. 

Small groups
In reading groups, we practiced letter matching and sounds. I introduced the sight word “on.”  In the art center, we made our silly scarecrows. We practiced cutting independently and talked about shapes.  You can see these scarecrows showcased on the door. Finally, the independent center was the marble run and light table. 

Circle time
We met our zoo friends Nigel Night owl and Olive Octopus. Also, we sang a new song (sung to the tune of I'm A Little Teapot):

I’m a little spider,
Watch me spin.
If you’ll be my dinner,
I’ll let you come in.
Then I’ll spin my web to hold you tight.
And gobble you up in one big bite!

Next week

Saul will be our Star of the Week!  Also, fall centers and carnival will be on Friday, October 31st.  If you have not signed up to bring in one food item please do so before Wednesday. I am looking forward to this week and to see all of the fun costumes!

We will finish our spider unit and will begin an author study of Leo Lionni! Our field trip to see the play, Fredrick is coming up on November 4.  Mark your calendars and sign up to volunteer! 

Sunday, October 19, 2014

From Seed to Sprout!

We have had a busy week finishing up our pumpkin unit.  The students have learned the lifecycle of a pumpkin and done many art and science activities exploring this theme. Below is a recap of our week!
Morning Meeting
In morning meeting we had a variety of whole group activities. In the beginning of the week, we labeled the parts of the pumpkin, used picture cards to sequence the lifecycle, and sang many songs! The children enjoyed watching the lifecycle video online as well as the story, Franklin’s Pumpkin for a fun fiction tale. 

Here is a poem we read together:

I see pumpkins large.
I see pumpkins small.

I see pumpkins short.
I see pumpkins tall.

I see pumpkins orange.
I see pumpkins green.

Just what we need
For fall or Halloween!

In the science group this week, we took a closer look at a pumpkin using our five senses.  We counted the lines, measured the pumpkin with cubes, touched the prickly stem, opened up the pumpkin and touched the pulp and slippery seeds. The kiddos came up with a list of adjectives to share their thinking. In math, we used candy corn manipulatives and corn mats to practice counting and recognizing numbers. In the fine motor center, we worked independently with the pumpkin close pin letter boards. The children were confident and needed minimal assistance to complete this task. 

Small groups
In reading groups, we read the story, Orange Pumpkin, Orange Pumpkin. This is a version of Brown Bear, Brown Bear by Bill Martin Jr.  We colored the pictures based on the description and circled the new popcorn words “I” and “see.” In journals the prompt was, “Once upon a time a pumpkin..”  Also, we introduced a new independent center this week at the light table.  ‘

Circle time
We continue to meet our zoo friends. This week we meet Lizzie Lizard and Missy Mouse.  It is great to reinforce these sounds at home as well. 

Special events
We were fortunate to have a local author visit, Maureen Kanefield, and listen to her story, The Magic of Maxwell and His Tail. The kiddos did such a great job being good listeners during her presentation. Also, next week the Star of the Week is James!

Monday, October 13, 2014

We had a fun week starting our pumpkin unit and learning about a pumpkin’s lifecycle. Our Start of the Week was Stella. She shared her poster and a few of her favorite things were ballet and her family. Stella brought in her favorite story, Knuffle Bunny, and the children and I enjoyed reading this together.

We learned a new song, “I’m a Little Pumpkin”, in morning meeting.

I’m A Little Pumpkin
(Sung to the tune of I’m a Little Teapot)

I’m a little pumpkin
Orange and round.
Here is my stem
I grew on the ground.
When I get all cut up
Don’t you shout!
Just open me up
And scoop me out.

In the language art center, we matched letters on close pins to pumpkin letter mats. The children are learning how to work independently and are excited when they complete an activity correctly! In math, we completed patterns with picture cards. First we practiced with counting bears and did simple AB patterns with colors. The pattern difficulty was differentiated across groups.  In the fine motor center, we experimented with shaving cream and glue to make a foam.  We shaped this foam into a pumpkin and added different shapes to make a jack-o-lantern!  he children loved playing with the shaving cream. They wrote their letters and names in it and also drew pictures in it. This might be a great activity to do at home with your child!  In our dramatic play area, we played dress-up for our independent group.             

Small groups
In journals, the prompt was, “What is your favorite fall color and why?” The kiddos had many different explanations for their favorite fall color. In the art center, we used different shaped legos to paint.  We drew the parts of a pumpkin first, and then painted with the legos.  We discussed how pumpkins come in different colors, so I let them chose their own color of paint. In the independent center, the kids played with legos and blocks. 

Upcoming events

We will use our scientific skills to observe pumpkins and see how they grow.  We will be trying pumpkin seeds and graphing as a class whether we liked the taste!  Also, this week we will have a guest author, Maureen Kanefield, visit on Friday, October 17 from 9:15 to 9:45.  Please let me know if you would like to join us for this special event. The kids would love to see you! 

Sunday, October 5, 2014

We Love Fall!

The Pre-k kids have continued studying fall this week. We explored the fall environmental changes on a nature walk around the school and through Alexander Park. They were excited and engaged finding leaves and recognized different shapes and textures. 
In Morning Meeting we learned a new fall song called, “The leaves are falling,”

(Sung to the tune of Are You Sleeping?)

Leaves are falling
Leaves are falling
To the ground.
Without a sound.
Days are getting shorter.
Nights are growing longer.
Fall is here
Fall is here

Also, our Star Student, Austin, was thrilled to present his poster about his favorite things. Many of the students agreed pizza and Captain America were on the list of their favorites as well. 

In the language arts center, we practiced matching uppercase and lowercase letters on close pin cards. We finished our fishing for phonics game with fall leaves. The students are picking up on letters and sounds quickly. In math, we played a game called monster math.  There were several different monster boards and the students rolled the dice and counted googley eyes with one to one correspondence. Several dice were added to challenge the students. In our fine motor center, we played with magna tiles. The kiddos used their imaginations to build rocket ships, trucks, and houses.  In the dramatic play center, the children dressed up and role played in the kitchen.  

Small groups
In our art center, we used colored tissue paper to make a leaf collage. This art activity really helped the kiddos with their fine motor skills. They really had to work at picking up one piece of tissue paper at a time and placing it on the leaf. They turned out great and were proud of their work!  With our new friend in class, Sage, we discussed how we can be a good friend to each other. The journal prompt was, ‘Draw me a picture of you being a good friend.’ It was neat to see them use their friends in class in their drawings and have thoughtful ideas.  Our independent center was books.

Celebrations and Special Events 
There were two birthday celebrations this week for Rowan and William!  A big thank you to their parents for coming into the class bringing treats and reading with the children. They enjoyed the delicious treats and were attentive during story time.  Also, Zoha is celebrating the holiday, Eid with her family this weekend.  She brought cupcakes for the class to share in the celebration. 

Next week

Our Star of the Week will be Stella! Also, we will finish our fall unit and dive into our pumpkin theme!