Sunday, October 26, 2014

Creepy Crawly Spiders!

It was great seeing so many families at Pumpkin Carving Night! Thank you for coming and all your support.  It was a nice turn out and the kiddos really enjoyed themselves.

We had a great first week learning all about spiders! Here is a look at the week:

Morning Meeting
The kiddos listened to a variety of spider stories including both fiction and non-fiction. We made a class chart together brainstorming words to describe spiders. Spiders can, are and have were the sentence starters we used. Also, the children did a nice job making their own spiders following step-by-step directions.  These spider glyphs are displayed on the bulletin board outside the classroom, take a look!  We also watched a clip from the movie, Charlotte’s Web. James was the Star of the Week. He did a fabulous job sharing his pictures and answering questions from his classmates. His baby brother, Sam was the topic of discussion.


In the language arts center, they completed the sentence “Spiders like to..” We brainstormed many words together first. Next, we painted a spider using our handprints.  In math, we counted using 10 frames, a spinner, and chips.  The game was completed when the first person covered their board. The kids had a lot of fun with this game. In the fine motor center, we practiced stringing beads and made pictures with dot paint. 

Small groups
In reading groups, we practiced letter matching and sounds. I introduced the sight word “on.”  In the art center, we made our silly scarecrows. We practiced cutting independently and talked about shapes.  You can see these scarecrows showcased on the door. Finally, the independent center was the marble run and light table. 

Circle time
We met our zoo friends Nigel Night owl and Olive Octopus. Also, we sang a new song (sung to the tune of I'm A Little Teapot):

I’m a little spider,
Watch me spin.
If you’ll be my dinner,
I’ll let you come in.
Then I’ll spin my web to hold you tight.
And gobble you up in one big bite!

Next week

Saul will be our Star of the Week!  Also, fall centers and carnival will be on Friday, October 31st.  If you have not signed up to bring in one food item please do so before Wednesday. I am looking forward to this week and to see all of the fun costumes!

We will finish our spider unit and will begin an author study of Leo Lionni! Our field trip to see the play, Fredrick is coming up on November 4.  Mark your calendars and sign up to volunteer! 

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