Monday, October 13, 2014

We had a fun week starting our pumpkin unit and learning about a pumpkin’s lifecycle. Our Start of the Week was Stella. She shared her poster and a few of her favorite things were ballet and her family. Stella brought in her favorite story, Knuffle Bunny, and the children and I enjoyed reading this together.

We learned a new song, “I’m a Little Pumpkin”, in morning meeting.

I’m A Little Pumpkin
(Sung to the tune of I’m a Little Teapot)

I’m a little pumpkin
Orange and round.
Here is my stem
I grew on the ground.
When I get all cut up
Don’t you shout!
Just open me up
And scoop me out.

In the language art center, we matched letters on close pins to pumpkin letter mats. The children are learning how to work independently and are excited when they complete an activity correctly! In math, we completed patterns with picture cards. First we practiced with counting bears and did simple AB patterns with colors. The pattern difficulty was differentiated across groups.  In the fine motor center, we experimented with shaving cream and glue to make a foam.  We shaped this foam into a pumpkin and added different shapes to make a jack-o-lantern!  he children loved playing with the shaving cream. They wrote their letters and names in it and also drew pictures in it. This might be a great activity to do at home with your child!  In our dramatic play area, we played dress-up for our independent group.             

Small groups
In journals, the prompt was, “What is your favorite fall color and why?” The kiddos had many different explanations for their favorite fall color. In the art center, we used different shaped legos to paint.  We drew the parts of a pumpkin first, and then painted with the legos.  We discussed how pumpkins come in different colors, so I let them chose their own color of paint. In the independent center, the kids played with legos and blocks. 

Upcoming events

We will use our scientific skills to observe pumpkins and see how they grow.  We will be trying pumpkin seeds and graphing as a class whether we liked the taste!  Also, this week we will have a guest author, Maureen Kanefield, visit on Friday, October 17 from 9:15 to 9:45.  Please let me know if you would like to join us for this special event. The kids would love to see you! 

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