Friday, February 26, 2016

We have had a fun week talking all about feelings!  Take a look at the pictures and center activities from this week.

Morning Meeting
We read the stories, Today I Feel by Jamie Lee Curtis, Sophia Gets Angry, Wemberly Worried and Chrysanthemum by Kevin Henkes, and It’s Mine by Leo Leoni. Each story we focused on one specific emotion and shared stories with each other when we felt that way.  We also played a game where we had to act out an emotion we pulled from a hat.  They loved being in front of the class and did an awesome job guessing what their friend was acting out!

Language Arts- The children played letter bingo and sight word bingo.  Also, they completed a journal page and wrote the words “I am’ excited when… and drew a picture to answer the prompt.  The kiddos are doing a great job explaining their pictures!

Fine motor-  The children used play dough to sculpt a variety of expressions on play dough face mats. 

Also, they played with shaving cream and drew happy, sad, angry, surprised faces.  They even practiced acting them out. 

Next, the students played a game where they had to spin a spinner and it showed a feeling.  Then, the children had to build their own bears using different eyes and mouths to demonstrate their understanding. 

Journals- The prompt was tell me about a time when you were happy.  The children’s ideas included birthday parties, reading stories with moms and dads, and going to get ice cream.  They sure had a lot to share!

Feelings memory game

Painting Self-portraits

Fun in P.E preparing for the Palio performance

Jumping to colors on the carpet.  

Fun at recess and free choice

Next week

We will dive into learning about friendship and what it means to be a good friend.

Monday, February 15, 2016

Community Helpers

What a fun couple of weeks in PK diving into our Community Helpers unit, celebrating birthdays, and exploring the Kohl’s Children’s Museum! Here is a look at our adventures. 

                                Field Trip

Making valentines with our reading buddies :)


L.A-  The kiddos used their tracking finger to read the story, Helpers.  They loved finding their favorite helper and imagining themselves in that role

Math-  The children played dentists counting teeth for their patients.

Art- The students created their own community hats.  

Journal- ‘What community helper would you be and why?’

Dramatic play area- Had fun this week dressing and taking on roles of different helpers.


Friendship/ Valentine’s Day party- Friday, Feb. 19th  10:30-11:30 in the classroom.

Refer to the signup sheet to see what items you can contribute.  A BIG thank you for your help.

Please make sure to bring in enough Valentines for each child in the class (9 total)