Sunday, November 27, 2016

Grandparents Day!

We were fortunate to have new faces visit our classroom and spend time with the kiddos to see the activities around the classroom.  The kiddos put on a terrific performance and were a delight to watch.   :) 

This week in PK we focused on Thanksgiving.  We made a list of things we are thankful for!  We learned about the Pilgrims and Indians and how the Thanksgiving Feast came about.  The children learned a new turkey song and poem to complete their week! 

Language Arts - Completed I am Thankful For books and drew pictures of what they were thankful for. 

Math - The children counted turkey feathers!

Art - The kids were not afraid to get messy, painting with their hands to make the turkey’s feathers. Take a look at the bulletin board inside the classroom to see their artwork.

The children had fun presenting their Tom and Tina Turkeys.  They used their imagination to create a costume or disguise for their turkey.  The kids had fun trying to guess the disguises! We saw turkeys dressed as a Ninja turtle, Darth Vader and a firefighter.

Monday, November 14, 2016

The PK children were enthusiastic this week showing their Roycemore school spirit!

We made pompoms to cheer for at the school pep assembly!

We also learned about the author Mo Willems and read a variety of the Piggie and Elephant books.  Our activities were based on these stories.  In art the children made Gerald or Piggie hats.  

To practice our fine motor skills we cut on straight lines to make pom poms.

Spanish- This week in Spanish the PK kids finished their Dia de los Muertos lanterns. They also contando en espanol calabaza semillas(Counted in Spanish pumpkin seeds). We even learned the Itsy Bitsy Spider in Spanish!
La arana pequenita subio, subio, subio.
Vino la lluzia y se la llevo.
Salio el sol y todo lo seco.
y la arana pequenita subio, subio, subio.

We met our 5th grade reading buddies this week! They visited the PK classroom and the children were excited to show them around and pick out their favorite book! We will meet with our buddies every other week. 


Turkey Tom and Tina are due this week! Please return to school so your child can present to the class.

Grandparent’s Day- Tuesday, November 22nd

No School- Thanksgiving Break- Wednesday, November 23-25

Sunday, November 6, 2016

This week we finished our spider unit. Here is a look at the week!


Language Arts- The children completed a beginning sound activity looking at the letter ‘s’ and corresponding picture.  

Math- Spider patterns with manipulatives.

Art- Spider glyphs- The children were asked specific questions about spiders and had to build their own spiders based on their answers.

Fine motor- Weaving a spider web! This was a tricky task for many, but great practice to reinforce their fine motor skills.  
Journals- The prompt this week was, ‘Spiders like to..’  The kiddos are starting to add more details to their pictures as they dictate their responses to me! 

Enjoying the warm weather on the playground and exercising our bodies.  

Spanish- This week in Spanish we celebrated Dia de los Muertos (Day of the Dead). We had a fiesta(party) in which we decorated and ate skull cookies. We also made Dia de los Muertos lanterns! The PK kids counted in Spanish Calabaza Semilas(pumpkin seeds) and even said what color the seeds were! Here is a link to a great YouTube site that has lots of great rhymes and songs in Spanish, some songs like, Mono Loco, Cinco Monitos, and A Mi Burro they can sing and even translate!


Each day we will show our school spirit by dressing in a fun way!
MONDAY: PAJAMA DAY wear warm comfortable sleepover clothing today!
TUESDAY: FAVORITE COLOR DAY wear a lot of your favorite color today!
WEDNESDAY: FANDOM DAY wear clothes to represent what you are a fan of sports, cartoons, Disney etc!
FRIDAY: BLUE AND GOLD DAY wear Roycemore colors and Roycemore gear!