Sunday, April 16, 2017

This week we finished our dinosaur unit! The kids were excited to dive into the sensory table taking on the role as paleontologists. Also, we continued to explore a variety of dinosaur stories and stretched our minds learning new dino facts!

Here is a look at our learning this week!


The sensory table was a blast for the kiddos who were digging for fossils, skeletons, and small dinosaurs. The children dressed in their hats and badges and used their tools to find these hidden treasures. 

Language Arts- In Language Arts we did a shared reading with a dinosaur poem.  The children found letters and sight words in the poem.  Next, they drew a picture of a dinosaur and created a story from their picture.

Also, we read an emergent reader about the role of a paleontologist. The children finished the story and drew a picture of themselves as paleontologists.

Math- Counting the close pins adding plates to their dinosaurs. 

Art- Making fossils!

We mixed together flour, salt, and warm water to make our own fossil dough. Then the kiddos created their own fossil with an imprint.

Fun with friends :)

Mr. Stanley came to visit and share about their adventures at Dinosaur Ridge!


Next week

We will begin a Clouds and Weather unit.
No School- Monday, April 17

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